Very attractive spirally twisted leaves are the main characteristics of this plant. This plant is a beautiful, showy stem plant and it is a cultivar of Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata. It was grown and introduced out of Asia. It is a very interesting looking plant, great for adding new colours and textures to Your aquarium. It can develop red and oranges as well as green leaves. Best planted in the mid/background. Good amount of light and CO2 are required for optimum growth. Good lighting makes the plant glisten in intense colors, whereas a lack of light results in bald spots on lower parts of plants. Propagation with side shoots or just cutting the tops from the plants (this way the plants looks and grows nicer).


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Origin:    South America  

Height:   10 - 30 cm    

Position:    Middle - back   

Luminosity:    Medium   

Growth speed:    High    

Difficulty:    Medium